HELP MEET OUR PARTICIPATION CHALLENGE for classmates who have not yet made a gift to the Smith Fund this fiscal year. Our class leadership team has pledged $10,000 to be added to our class gift to the College when we meet our participation goal of 35%. We only need 52 more classmates to participate by June 30. This is about participation, not size of gift—no amount is too small.
UPDATE JUNE 27, 2024: Well, fabulous and generous classmates, you have done it!! Just got word from our Fund Agent Team of Crissy Waddill and Margie Rowland that we have met our 2023-24 class participation goal of 35% with three days to spare. Thank you to the last three classmates who got us to our goal, and thank you to class officers for their $10,000 participation challenge and pledge. WE ALL DID IT!!
Goals for Fiscal Year July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
- CLASS GIFT PARTICIPATION GOAL for 2023-24 – 35% of the class
- CLASS GIFT DOLLAR GOAL for the 2023-24 SMITH FUND – $250,000
Use the links below for options to make your annual gift.
The Grécourt Society

50th Reunion!!
We won five of the six awards!!
Alumnae and friends who have included Smith in their estate plans through a will, trust, retirement plan, life insurance policy or life income gift are eligible to join The Grécourt Society.
For more details about any of these types of gifts, please contact:
Sam Samuels, Smith College Director of Gift Planning at
Gifts can be made in any of the following ways:
- To make a gift using Smith’s secure online giving form:
- To pledge or make a gift by phone, call 800-241-2056, option 1.
- To make a gift of securities, call 800-526-2023, option 5, for our Stock Transfer Form.
- To make a gift from an IRA Charitable Rollover:
To make a gift by mail, make your check payable to Smith College and send it to:
Smith College Gift Accounting
33 Elm Street
Northampton, MA 01063
For more ways to make gifts to Smith please visit:

In our 45th reunion year, 55% of the Class gave $5,474,464. Our 45th reunion five-year giving was a record-breaking $8,413,351.

Our 25th reunion attendance of 302 is still the record to beat!